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DMEM with High Glucose with Phenol Red, L-Glutamine and HEPES, without Sodium Pyruvate


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Catalog Number:L130KJ
Size:500 mL

Product Description

DMEM (Dulbecco's Modified Eagle Medium) is a widely used basal medium. It is applicable for culturing most mammalian cells, including HeLa, 293, Cos-7, PC-12 cell lines; as well as primary fibroblasts, neurons, neurogliocytes, human umbilical vein endothelial cells, smooth muscle cells, etc. Compared to MEM, DMEM contains 4X more concentrated amino acids and vitamins. 
DMEM consists of 4.5 g/L glucose (high glucose type) or 1 g/L glucose (low glucose type). BasalMedia is able to provide a series of diverse formulations of DMEM medium to culture different cells. (See each DMEM's formulation for specifications). 
The product is prepared using water-for-injection. 
Product Specifications: 
With (+)
     4.5 g/L D-Glucose
     Phenol Red
Without (-)
     sodium pyruvate
This product is only used for scientific research and production, tissue and cell culture in vitro. It is prohibited for clinical use. 

Quality Assurance

Products from Shanghai BasalMedia Technologies Co.,LTD are all manufactured in cGMP-compliant facilities. Shanghai BasalMedia Technologies Co.,LTD is certified with ISO9001:2015 and ISO13485:2016 quality system standards.

Manufacturing Assurance

We have been committed to adopting modern management models to make all production and operation activities, including safety production management, scientific, standardized and legalized. It comprehensively promotes the occupational health and safety management system in a scientific way to create a healthy, safe and friendly working environment for every employee of BasalMedia Technologies. We have passed the ISO45001:2018 Occupational Health and Safety Management System Certification and ISO14001:2015 Environmental Management System Certification.
Catalog Number Size Price (CNY) Availability
L130KJ 500 mL 70.00


Shelf Life 12 months
Storage Conditions 2~8 ℃


Certificates of Analysis

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Quality Assurance

Products from Shanghai BasalMedia Technologies Co.,LTD are all manufactured in cGMP-compliant facilities. Shanghai BasalMedia Technologies Co.,LTD is certified with ISO9001:2015 and ISO13485:2016 quality system standards.

Manufacturing Assurance

We have been committed to adopting modern management models to make all production and operation activities, including safety production management, scientific, standardized and legalized. It comprehensively promotes the occupational health and safety management system in a scientific way to create a healthy, safe and friendly working environment for every employee of BasalMedia Technologies. We have passed the ISO45001:2018 Occupational Health and Safety Management System Certification and ISO14001:2015 Environmental Management System Certification.
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